Welcome to "Uplevel Your Love Life (and all of your life!) with Positivity"
In the next 21 days, we (you and I) are going to retrain your brain to automatically think more positively!
This will only work though if you: do the work, do the exercises, and allow yourself to make this shift. I can talk until I'm blue in the face and nothing will change if you don't make the decision to do this.
Although Day 1 doesn't start until tomorrow, I have three exercises for you today. We'll call this Day 0.
First exercise: Get yourself a journal or a notebook, or if you're more inclined to write on your computer or phone, then create yourself a new file. For paper journals, check out my post on My Favorite Journal (and things to consider when buying your journal).
And for computer/phone programs I like Evernote or OneNote. So get yourself something going right now. If you need to go buy a journal, at least find a piece of paper for the next exercise.
Second exercise: Manifestation Affirmations.
Write this out. Feel free to add to it or change the words slightly to better fit your personality. "I have RADICAL confidence in myself to become a more positive person. I believe in my soul that I am meant to rise above the negativity that creeps into my life and into my mind. I WILL do what it takes to retrain my brain. Because I am worth it. I am worth the effort to live a healthier, more positive life. I know there will still be struggles, but I owe it to myself to develop the tools to weather the storms of life. I AM A POSITIVE PERSON!"
Third exercise for today: Program your phone to provide you with 3 reminders throughout the day (morning, afternoon, and evening). The first week we will be focusing on RADICAL Self Confidence, so put your reminder as "I am Confident in ME!" or "I BELIEVE in MYSELF!" or something of that nature. I highly encourage the use of exclamation points and smiley faces, because both are very uplifting! :)
That's it for today! See you tomorrow for DAY 1!
Wishing you positivity and RADICAL self-confidence,
*Your Radical Confidence Mindset Strategist,
Coach and Inspiration!*
~Because if I did it, so can you!~